If you've ever seen elephant seals lying on a beach, you might think all they do is sleep. But now scientists have discovered that when elephant seals are in the ocean, they hardly sleep at all. On average, the seals sleep just two hours a day.
Posts tagged as “marine”
Worldwide, many groups are pushing governments to protect 30% of the world's oceans by 2030. Today, NFK looks at new marine reserves created by Ecuador and Bangladesh in an effort to protect large areas of the oceans near them.
Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso has announced that a huge new section will be added to the protected area of ocean around the Galapagos islands. The move will make one of the world's largest marine reserves almost 50% larger.
In late October, scientists controlling submarines deep under the sea came across something unusual: a huge group of around 1,000 octopuses gathered on rocks, protecting their eggs.
A woman walking on the beach in Australia found an interesting bottle. The bottle had a message inside that was 132 years old. That's the oldest message in a bottle ever found.
Scientists have found a huge group of penguins on islands near Antarctica. They did not expect to find the penguins there. They used computers and drones to help find them.
Seychelles, a small island nation near Africa, has found a new way to pay the money it owes. It will protect the sea.