Last week, scientists released a report naming a killer worse than smoking - unhealthy eating. The report says that unhealthy eating is responsible for 20% of all deaths worldwide.
Posts tagged as “health”
The US government has come out with new advice for Americans about how much exercise they should get each week. The main message is: "Move more. Sit less."
England plans to make energy drinks against the law for kids, Korea stops selling coffee in its schools, and in Detroit, school drinking fountains have been turned off because the water is dangerous.
Each year, tobacco kills over 7 million people. Millions more live with serious illnesses caused by tobacco. The problems may be getting better for adults, but worse for teens.
A recent outbreak of Ebola in Congo is being treated with a new tool - a vaccine. Health workers are hopeful that they can keep Ebola under control.
Yesterday was the 70th birthday of the World Health Organization. It was also World Health Day - a day meant to remind people that everyone should be able to get good health care.