To recap 2024, is taking a look back at some of the most interesting stories we’ve covered this year.
Today we’re looking at some of the most unusual news stories from 2024.
In late August, the Lucara Diamond company announced the discovery of the largest diamond found in over 100 years. The 2,492-carat stone came out of the company’s Karowe Mine in northeast Botswana, and is the second largest diamond ever found.
Scientists at Stanford University have found a way to make the skin of living mice turn clear. The trick is actually pretty simple – rubbing a common yellow food dye on the mouse’s skin. The discovery could one day help doctors see inside human bodies without cutting them open.
On Sunday, SpaceX launched its Starship rocket for the fifth time. The real excitement came when the 20-story-tall booster rocket returned to the launch site and was caught in mid-air by two giant metal arms.
For the first time ever, a satellite made partly out of wood has been launched into space. The project is a test to see if wood could be a good building material for space. If the experiment works out, wooden satellites could someday help lower pollution in space.
Scientists on a National Geographic research trip to the Solomon Islands have discovered the world’s largest coral. The single coral colony, made up of around one billion tiny creatures, is so large that it can be seen from space.
When Marjorie Fiterman and Bernie Littman met nine years ago, neither of them thought they’d end up married. After all, they were both in their 90s and had already lived long, full lives. But last May, the two became the world’s oldest married couple, with a combined age of over 202 years.