Highest Temperature Ever Recorded in Antarctica
Scientists report that Antarctica recorded its highest temperature ever on Thursday, when it reached 64.9º Fahrenheit (F) (18.3º Celsius (C)).
The temperature was recorded at Argentina’s Esperanza research base. The temperature needs to be double-checked before it becomes official.
An expert from the United Nations said that the temperature wasn’t “a figure you would normally associate [connect] with Antarctica, even in the summertime.”
But temperatures around the world have been rising due to climate change. Last year was the second hottest year ever, and the last ten years were the hottest decade ever recorded.
Antarctica’s glaciers have been melting rapidly. The warming pattern is especially worrying because as ice melts in Antarctica and the Arctic, sea levels are expected to rise around the world.
Recently, researchers measured water temperatures below Thwaites Glacier – one of Antarctica’s largest glaciers. They found that the water temperature was more than 3.8º F (2º C) above the usual freezing point. Thwaites Glacier is one of two glaciers that helps hold the huge Western Antarctic Ice Sheet in place.
Long-time Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi Dies
Daniel arap Moi, who was Kenya’s president from 1978 to 2002, died on Tuesday at age 95. Mr. Moi was a powerful force in Kenya for nearly 25 years, keeping the country stable, but harshly punishing anyone who went against him.
Mr. Moi was a teacher before becoming a politician. He was chosen as vice-president in 1967 by president Jomo Kenyatta. He became president in 1978 when Mr. Kenyatta died.
At first, Mr. Moi was a popular president, keeping in touch with common people and starting popular programs like offering free milk in schools.
But by 1981, he had changed the country so that there was only one political party, which he tightly controlled. Mr. Moi dealt harshly with people who opposed him, killing many, and putting others in prison.
Under pressure from other countries, Mr. Moi allowed other political parties in 1991, which finally led to him being replaced in 2002.
During his time as president, Mr. Moi and his friends became incredibly rich, moving as much as $4 billion into bank accounts outside of Kenya, while Kenya’s people and businesses struggled.
The Kenyan government has declared February 11 a public holiday to mark Mr. Moi’s death.
Man Eats Dog Food for 30 Days
Would you eat dog food for 30 days? That’s what Mitch Felderhoff did. Mr. Felderhoff is one of the owners of the pet food company, Muenster Milling. “I’ve always believed that you shouldn’t sell something unless you truly believe in it,” Mr. Felderhoff wrote on his company’s website.
Eating dog food may be a good way to get attention for his business, but Mr. Felderhoff says that’s not why he’s doing it. He says that he wants to show that his company is confident about the things that it puts in its dog food.
Mr. Felderhoff’s wife, kids, and co-workers have supported his unusual food choices. He says some people have even offered to eat dog food with him. Mr. Felderhoff isn’t so wild about the taste, but he says he lost about 20 pounds (9 kilograms).
Note: Mr. Felderhoff knew what he was eating because he owns the company. But it is never a good idea to eat things that were not meant for humans to eat.