The United States Senate is part of the US Congress, which makes the laws of the USA. Every state gets to elect two senators to represent them in the Senate.
Published in “Archives: Fast Facts”
The United States Congress is the part of the United States government that makes the laws. Because of this, it is sometimes called the "Legislative Branch".
Legislation means a law or a group of laws made by lawmakers called "legislators", such as the US Congress. Before a law becomes law it is called a "bill".
Archeology is the study of the past by looking for things left by people who lived long ago. These things are called "remains" or "artifacts", and can include old bones, coins, tools, and buildings.
NASA is a United States agency that explores space. The letters of NASA's name stand for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Every year, the President of the USA gives a speech to Congress. In the speech, the President talks about how the year has gone and about plans for the future.