The city of Xi'an, China - home to 13 million people - has been under a strict lockdown for two weeks, with some people unable to leave home even to shop for food. The extreme measures show how far China's government is willing to push to reach "Zero Covid".
Posts tagged as “health”
Last Thursday, New Zealand announced a plan to end smoking in the country. Under the plan, the country would make it illegal for people born after 2008 to buy cigarettes. The plan aims to stop young people from ever starting to smoke.
Every year in late fall, heavy pollution makes the air in India's capital, New Delhi dangerous to breathe. New Delhi's government has closed schools for the week, and paused building activities. Now judges have told the city to call a pollution lockdown.
Scientists have attached the kidney of a specially grown pig to a human body and found that it worked without problems. Though much is still unknown, the news is a huge step forward for tens of thousands of patients with kidney trouble.
In today's news roundup, a strong and deadly earthquake strikes Pakistan, the WHO approves the first-ever vaccine against malaria, and a Russian actor and movie maker are now on the International Space Station to make the first film shot in space.
School students in the US are being caught in a political battle over masks. Though wearing masks is an important way of preventing the spread of the coronavirus, some Republican leaders are trying to prevent school districts from requiring masks.
To recap 2020, is taking a look back at some of the most interesting stories we’ve covered this year. Today we’re looking at just a few of this year's stories about the struggle to get the coronavirus under control.
The drug companies Pfizer and BioNTech say the coronavirus vaccine they're developing seems to be 90% successful at preventing people from getting Covid-19. The results aren't final, but the news is much better than many experts expected.
Around the world, countries are racing to create vaccines to protect people against the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Many countries have agreed to work together on vaccines, but a few countries are working alone.
Today, NFK takes a look at two recent country-wide plans relating to food. The United Kingdom has begun an effort to encourage people to lose weight. In China, the government is asking people to stop wasting food.
Dogs are being trained to sniff out COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. So far, dogs seem to be quite good at detecting the illness, but it's not clear yet how useful these skills will be.